Bioenergetics Communications 2022-01-13T07:28:22+00:00 BEC Editors Open Journal Systems <p><strong><big>Bioenergetics Communications (BEC) is a preprint-linked journal: Rapid dissemination is possible before peer-review in MitoFit Preprint Archives. This is followed by Open Peer Review, such that BEC provides a platform for publishing and sharing high-quality data.</big></strong></p> <p>With Living Communications, BEC takes the next step from pre-print to re-print. Living Communications allow additions and corrections of a publication with Open Peer Review, such that the publication can evolve with full traceability, instead of remaining a static outdated paper. Living Communications reduce the inflationary explosion in the numbers of daily published papers.</p> Test 2 2022-01-13T07:26:45+00:00 Editor Test <p>test test</p> 2022-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Editor Test Test 3 2022-01-13T07:28:22+00:00 Editor Test <p>asfdsfd</p> 2023-03-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Editor Test